Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Just a Note

Several months ago, I received a card in the mail. It was from a woman that was quitting the quilt guild I attended. She mentioned that the guild just wasn't giving her what she needed at that point and that wouldn't be coming back; that she hadn't made any lasting friendships. But she added that she always enjoyed visiting with me and that she would miss our chats.

Now I didn't get to know her very well in the year or so she was at the guild meetings. We always said hello and chatted about what we were working on. Nothing of significance really.

Then I got that note. It made me feel so good inside! It had been sitting on my desk for months. I had always meant to send a response, but life moved on and I didn't get around to it. It really was turning into another reminder about how I often don't finish what I intend to do (working on that, by the way).

So I wrote up a little note and sent a Christmas card.

Fast forward a month. In the mail another note; just saying how she enjoyed getting the card and hearing from me ... that it had meant a lot to her!

That two minutes out of my life to write a short note meant something. I have two minutes every day. I need to remember that those could be used to make someone smile.

Friday, January 26, 2018

We Did It!

Today was the day ... the day to deliver all of the pet food from this month's drive to the Volunteers of America food bank in Everett.

Thank you all for helping me with a successful drive! We were able to gift 179 POUNDS of pet food; as well as $45 in donations!

Alison, at the food bank, was very appreciative. She confirmed that they are often short on pet food, and that it is an ongoing need. So next time you are asked to contribute to a food drive, please consider the pets of those in need!

She also told me that the VoA is looking into partnering with Pasado's Safe Haven, to help teach the food bank's clients more about pet care and safety. A positive addition to VoA's program that should have far-reaching benefits for people and their pets.

So once again, thank you to everyone who help support this effort. And a special shout out to Marianne for encouraging all of her birthday party guests to gift her with a donation for the drive!
You guys are the best!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wrong Number

This is kind-of a silly one ... For the third time someone at a local bank left a voice mail on a secondary line at work. It's a line that isn't published and I wasn't even sure how to check the message!

After figuring that out, it was crystal clear that they were trying to reach someone with no ties to the number. So I called them back, sat on hold for about 10 minutes, to let the bank know that they didn't have the right number.

They can try and reach the person in another way and don't have to keep spinning their wheels. I hope the bank gets in touch with the mystery man and that they have good news for him!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


I've been trying to go minimalist; you know, cleaning out what I don't need or love. I came across this bag full of old glasses - definitely don't need and don't love. I can't even see out of them anymore!

This sweet little collection got dropped off at the Lions collection bin in our local post office today!

If you have old or extra specs just laying around, be sure to recycle them! Glasses are expensive if you don't have insurance coverage; and the bulk of that is the cost of the frames. I'm sure your local post office has a collection bin too ... drop yours off next time you're out and about 😎

Friday, January 5, 2018

Watch Out!

Out running errands yesterday, I was stopped at a stop light in the left turn lane. There was a panel truck in front of me with the back door open and loose bins sitting on the floor of the van.


I tried to get the drivers attention before the light turned, but didn't and he moved into his left turn. Watch out! the bins came tumbling! Thankfully I realized they were coming my way and held back a little.

I stopped and helped the guy pick up the bins. He said it was a "new to him" truck and he had just noticed that the latch on that door wasn't working properly ... his next stop, the car dealer!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Here Kitty, Kitty

Our loss of Clio a few weeks ago, along with friends' losses of kitties over the last months of 2017, spurred my idea for a focus in January.

Let's do a pet-food drive in honor of our pets!

When Charlie and I were working at the food bank back in September, the one thing that was sadly lacking in the pantry was pet food. There are lots of low-income, no-income people out there whose only company is a cat or a dog. And we can help those people keep their pets fed!

Cat food; dog food. You can take your donations to Volunteers of America at 1230 Broadway in Everett ... or you can bring them to me and I'll pack them up, to be delivered at the end of January.

This is what I have to start it up:
Let's see how much we can come up with by January 31st ... more photos to follow!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year Reset

It's a new year and time for me to reset.

It was an extremely difficult holiday season for me. We adopted two kitties just before Thanksgiving and they both grabbed my heart very quickly. Then just two and a half weeks later, I tripped over the sweet, adventuresome Clio. I fell on her and injured her very severely. The emergency vet could do nothing for her, except make her comfortable and take away her pain. My heart was so broken.

I didn't feel like celebrating the holiday in any way. But both Charlie and I felt we needed to at least try. Every day it does get a little easier.

Anyway, that's the back story. At first I was distracted by a kitty, then I was distracted by her loss.

And I lost my way. I gave up working on those things that mattered. But with the dawn of a New Year, I am ready to get moving again.

Thank you for helping me get through this!

Hey, where have you been? It's been so long! I'm back. I was a little lost, but I'm back. It's been almost two years since...