Thursday, January 2, 2020

Hey, where have you been? It's been so long!

I'm back. I was a little lost, but I'm back. It's been almost two years since I posted. In that time there have been so many changes. 

Let's start with the hardest ... Mom. This was the first Christmas without Mom. Mom passed away in late October. She had struggled for most all of 2019 and I hope she has found peace. She leaves behind a husband and four daughters who are working to find their new way without her in their lives. I never knew how much I relied on her presence until she wasn't there. I miss, I regret, and I grieve. 

And while I grieve for Mom, I also grieve for the time with my sisters. Over the past many years we have gathered as our own little family unit (sisters and parents only) to celebrate an early Christmas. And then over the past two years we had a Sister Retreat (staying at Mom and Dad's hotel) in the summer. With Mom's failing health, 2019 didn't include either of these. This special sister time has brought us closer, and I miss the companionship, comfort, and care of my three sisters.

There's a new relationship with Dad. He was Mom's primary care-giver for almost a year. I don't know how he did what he did. We are all still finding our way, but no-one more than Dad. And our new path will include solidifying relationships that relied on Mom to maintain ... both for us and for Dad. 

There was work. Back in February 2018, I was laid off for the first time in my life. I had my real estate license and was still working for the company, but not as an employee. All of the sudden it was time to find a primary job and put the real estate on the back burner. This part has a very happy ending though! Timing was right, and after a few months I landed in a position that I love, for a company that I believe in. 

Then I went back to school to get my Project Management certificate ... six months of night school, while learning a new job. And Mom gets worse. And I can't concentrate on anything besides what's in front of me at the moment. And I shut down. Not much sewing, crafting or reading for pleasure. Not much time for anything except worrying about family and building my new career.

After Mom passed away my sisters and Dad all had a sign ... something happened that brought them some peace. Something they could believe came from Mom. I didn't have anything tangible ... but I had a whisper in my heart. Mom was the one who always said she was proud of my drive, my optimism, and of the things I accomplished. And that whisper was telling me to get up and get started. 

Today I say "Thank You" to the friends and family that have held me up. To those that have understood that I was lost and waited for me to find my way back. I say "Thank You" to Charlie for walking by my side through all of this messy life and helping to hold it all together for us. 

So, after a two-year hiatus, I am back. And it's time to Change the World with One Good Deed Each Day.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wrap Up in a Quilt

I had a wonderful time at quilt retreat ... the 12th year that I've spent a long weekend with these friends of mine!

This year I worked on getting some projects completed. One thing that's been hanging around far too long is my donation for Seattle Childrens. The quilt guild I used to belong to had an ongoing tradition of making quilts for the children staying at the hospital. I have had several tops all done and ready to finish, just sitting in my sewing room!

So over the weekend, along with several other projects, I got five of these complete! They were immediately handed off to another member of the guild, so that they can get donated right away.

Feels so good to get those projects completed and to pass on a little bit of love!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Next Up ... Baby Food

I've been working on a few things (that must remain under wraps for the time being), but wondering how to make a bigger impact. We did it with the pet food, what next?

My friend posted on Facebook last night about a commercial asking for donations of pet food. It bugged her, she kept thinking about children that weren't getting fed ... what about them? 

So Marlies, thanks for the idea! 

Between now and the end of February, please consider buying some baby food each time you go to the grocery store. Donate it right at the store or contact me and we'll donate it for you on February 28th.

We ended up with 179 pounds of pet food in January. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could donate more than that in baby food!

The challenge is on!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Just a Note

Several months ago, I received a card in the mail. It was from a woman that was quitting the quilt guild I attended. She mentioned that the guild just wasn't giving her what she needed at that point and that wouldn't be coming back; that she hadn't made any lasting friendships. But she added that she always enjoyed visiting with me and that she would miss our chats.

Now I didn't get to know her very well in the year or so she was at the guild meetings. We always said hello and chatted about what we were working on. Nothing of significance really.

Then I got that note. It made me feel so good inside! It had been sitting on my desk for months. I had always meant to send a response, but life moved on and I didn't get around to it. It really was turning into another reminder about how I often don't finish what I intend to do (working on that, by the way).

So I wrote up a little note and sent a Christmas card.

Fast forward a month. In the mail another note; just saying how she enjoyed getting the card and hearing from me ... that it had meant a lot to her!

That two minutes out of my life to write a short note meant something. I have two minutes every day. I need to remember that those could be used to make someone smile.

Friday, January 26, 2018

We Did It!

Today was the day ... the day to deliver all of the pet food from this month's drive to the Volunteers of America food bank in Everett.

Thank you all for helping me with a successful drive! We were able to gift 179 POUNDS of pet food; as well as $45 in donations!

Alison, at the food bank, was very appreciative. She confirmed that they are often short on pet food, and that it is an ongoing need. So next time you are asked to contribute to a food drive, please consider the pets of those in need!

She also told me that the VoA is looking into partnering with Pasado's Safe Haven, to help teach the food bank's clients more about pet care and safety. A positive addition to VoA's program that should have far-reaching benefits for people and their pets.

So once again, thank you to everyone who help support this effort. And a special shout out to Marianne for encouraging all of her birthday party guests to gift her with a donation for the drive!
You guys are the best!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wrong Number

This is kind-of a silly one ... For the third time someone at a local bank left a voice mail on a secondary line at work. It's a line that isn't published and I wasn't even sure how to check the message!

After figuring that out, it was crystal clear that they were trying to reach someone with no ties to the number. So I called them back, sat on hold for about 10 minutes, to let the bank know that they didn't have the right number.

They can try and reach the person in another way and don't have to keep spinning their wheels. I hope the bank gets in touch with the mystery man and that they have good news for him!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


I've been trying to go minimalist; you know, cleaning out what I don't need or love. I came across this bag full of old glasses - definitely don't need and don't love. I can't even see out of them anymore!

This sweet little collection got dropped off at the Lions collection bin in our local post office today!

If you have old or extra specs just laying around, be sure to recycle them! Glasses are expensive if you don't have insurance coverage; and the bulk of that is the cost of the frames. I'm sure your local post office has a collection bin too ... drop yours off next time you're out and about 😎

Hey, where have you been? It's been so long! I'm back. I was a little lost, but I'm back. It's been almost two years since...